Party like it's 1999

The evanhealy story told in 8 simple points.

Farm to Face

DURING THE PAST DECADE we have developed relationships with several small, family-owned farms, whose diversity of weather conditions, including hot drysummers, are ideal for a wide variety of medicinal herbs, flowers and trees. these artisan growers and distillers, located in regions as varied as Washington state and the south of France, all demonstrate an intimate, energetic connection to their land that infuses our hydrosols and fruit oils with an exceptional aromatic vitality, something that cannot be duplicated by larger commercial operations. We take pride in supporting those individuals who have chosen to work the land with sustainable and organic growing method.


AESTHETICIAN EVAN HEALY has long been known as a purist with a passion for authenticity. Her direct participation with our growers and distillers ensures that what goes on your face comes directly from the fields.

Her approach to skin health is steeped in innovative methods of healing that value tradition and simplicity: aroma-therapy, homeopathy, Ayurveda. By pairing organic ingredients with non-invasive treatment methods, Evan's holistic approach supports the totality of skin functions, encouraging the skin's inherent ability to breathe.

Oil and water do mix

SIMPLY, HERE'S HOW the skin works: Sweat glands and sebaceous glands work together to produce a thin coating of lipids (oil) and perspiration (water) - called the acid mantle. The acid mantle is the skin's protective barrier against disease. However, when the delicate balance of acidity and alkalinity (the pH balance) that makes up the acid mantle is disrupted, the skin's ability to protect is weakened. Help restore the natural balance of the skin by combining our remarkable plant Hydrosols with one of our healing Oil Serums - Rosehip or Pomegranate.


OUR FACIAL TONIC HYDROSOLS, from small, certified organic farms, are distilled in alembic copper at low temperatures over a period of three to four hours. This slow, labor-intensive artisan process creates a vitalizing and energetic hydrosol, offering subtle, aromatic healing for all skin conditions. In contrast, conventional distillation utilizes stainless steel and high temperatures; the entire process typically lasting only forty-five minutes.

Radical Simplicity

DRENCH YOUR SKIN with our artisan-distilled, certified organic floral HydroSouls", and follow with golden droplets of our Pomegranate or Rosehip Serum. Skin-nourishing oils and rhythmic waters are the ultimate in holistic, skin-healing simplicity. Radiant skin health starts with unfath-omably basic basics...a layered, nuanced combination of cold-pressed plant oils and pure floral hydrosols. The concept of less is more' is consistently missed by an industry fueled by the media's ingredient 'du jour.' Get to the heart of effective holistic skin care: remove, pare down, minimize, deconstruct, go off the beaten path - radically simplify.


OUR WHIPPED SHEA BUTTER comes to us from a remarkable group of women - the Tapko Widows Group of Ghana. They handharvest and process the shea nuts into shea butter using labor-intensive, traditional methods that have been handed down over centuries. In turn we whip the pure, raw, unadulterated product for four hours, dribbling in healing oils to achieve a rich luscious loft. These fragrant creams for face and body, rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins C, E and K, and enhanced with Flower Essences, heal many types of dry, sensitive skin conditions while providing maximum barrier protection without a heavy feeling or clogging tiny dermal pores.

The Unsung Hero

CLAY IS ALIVE. It is the oldest healing substance on earth. A naturally occurring mineral, it is rich in silica, calcium, iron and magnesium. It shimmers with electromagnetic energy. Clay is a skin-friendly, eco-alternative to lactic, salicylic or glycolic acids. Used for thousands of years to heal skin, it is a living, dynamic substance appropriate for all skin conditions. Clay loosens clogged pores drawing impurities to the surface without dissolving the protective epidermal layer of the skin. It refines and softens fine lines and wrinkles, fades hyper-pigmentation, reduces scarring:

The skin breathes

IT IS MADE UP of literally millions of tiny dermal passages regulating the inward movement of air, fluids, heat and light. In healthy skin, these passages are unobstructed, and each breath activates, the absorption of nutritive substances and stimulates vital functions of a restorative

nature. Unlike other products, evanhealy does not use synthetics that coat or cover the skin interfering with its own natural functions.